I named my blog NewLifeLine because I feel my hair is taking on a new path. Been threw all the deadly stages of processing, breakage, and damaging my hair.. NOW, it's time to for a more lively, free, natural direction....a new life!! ..my new, beautiful, and natural hair journey....

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

5 months since my last update

WOW! It has been some time since I've last updated my blog O_o lol! A lot has changed within the last 5 months but I'll be brief with it.

I have become a DIY!!!! I have been doing my own sisterlocks now for 4 months, my hair has grown back since I went on my cutting spree (lol) you can tell by my roots. I want to dye them because of that but I'll wait until next spring PLUS, it shows how much my hair has grown. I've done about 3 re-tightenings on my own and I normally do them over a course of 3-4 days. My laziest was the last re-ti, which was about a week ago. It took me all week to finish, only because my arms were hurting and it felt like I wasn't getting anywhere. I said I would go to the shop for my next re-ti but we'll see. I have combined about 3 or 4 only b/c I didn't like how small they were and I know I have combined a couple within the root from my last re-ti...I didn't clip them off like I should have. I'll post pictures with my next update so everyone can see the difference in my hair now....until next time :)

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